Melba is Devery's younger sister whose sole appearance is in The Fat Albert Halloween Special. Despite her diminutive size and age (she is a few years younger than Devery), she is fearless and tough as nails, and can cast off insults with the best of them, including when Rudy futilely dangles a rubber spider in her face:
- Rudy: Man, aren't you afraid of creepy things?
- Melba: No. You don't scare me at all!
"The Fat Albert Halloween Special"[]
Melba first appears out on the street, spotting her brother Devery out with Fat Albert and the gang on Halloween night. She reminds him that he has been grounded and warns him to get home right away, but Devery ignores her. She appears again later and delivers the same warning. Finally, Devery agrees to go home, but only if she goes up to Old Lady Bakewell's place, which she does without hesitation (with Russell tagging along). The two go inside, and after some time, Devery gets frightened and begs Fat Albert and the others to rush the house and rescue Melba and Russell, which they do, leaving Devery outside. When they rush inside, they find Melba and Russell sitting by the fireplace enjoying some treats, and Mrs. Bakewell invites the others to join the party.
- She is voiced by Erika Scheimer