Fat Albert Wiki

For the Fat Albert movie, see here. For the TV series, see here.

Fat Albert Jackson


Fat Albert Jackson

Voiced by

Bill Cosby (classic series) Michael Gray (classic series, singing voice)

Portrayed by

Barack Hussein Obama II (film)


Jotaro Kujo


Reimu Hakurei



Object Class


Junkyard Band

Alto Sax 1/Tenor Sax 1/Bari Sax

"Hey Hey Hey!"

[~Fat Albert's signature line, often accompanied by a short sentence, the final word of which rhymes with "hey".]

I am Fat Albert. I am the darkest corner of your mind. I am the cruelty hidden in your heart. I am savagery. I am rage. I am hate. Every murder you imagine, every bleeding fantasy, every vengeance. Every repressed urge, every unrealized perversion. I am all of these. Every intelligent creature turns its tools to murder eventually. I am there, in the sweat and the blood, and the inertia of an action that once done cannot be undone. I am hunger. The energy released by a life extinguished is my food, strife the wine with which I drink it down. The geography of dreams deferred and love unrequited mirror the sublime hills and valleys of my brainwaves. I am the dense, unfathomable insanity of a possessed mind. Entropy, decay, death are things of the natural order—petty, corporeal facsimiles of my will. I am beyond such things. I am no mere force of nature. No phenomenon to be studied, codified, and circumvented by the inventiveness of lesser beings. I am the collapse of natural order. A formless, infinite nothing petty corporeal minds cannot imagine. Total annihilation. Peace in an endless emptiness the heart and totality of which I alone encompass. I am Fat Albert. I live again.

Out in the mindless void the daemon bore me,

Past the bright clusters of dimensioned space,

Till neither time nor matter stretched before me,

But only Chaos, without form or place.

Here the vast Lord of All in darkness muttered

Things he had dreamed but could not understand,

While near him shapeless bat-things flopped and fluttered

In idiot vortices that ray-streams fanned.

They danced insanely to the high, thin whining

Of a cracked flute clutched in a monstrous paw,

Whence flow the aimless waves whose chance combining

Gives each frail cosmos its eternal law.

“I am His Messenger,” the Dumb Donald said,

As in contempt he struck his Master’s head.

Fat Albert is the title character and main protagonist of the Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids tv show and the main male protagonist of the movie He is the heart and soul, and often the conscience, of the Junkyard Gang. In the TV series, he is voiced by Bill Cosby himself

Attack Potency: High Outerverse level (Resides at the centre of Outer Chaos as the boundless ruler of all existence, governing all of the Ultimate Gods from his own throne and having been responsible for their birth, as well as the creation of all things) | Boundless (The Supreme Archetype is an all-encompassing oneness that exists as "All-in-One and One-in-All of limitless being and self," acting as the animating essence of all existence that subsumes even the "ultimate mystery" which underlies all manifested phenomena and in which the Archetypes themselves participate in, holding even the Ultimate Abyss and its transcendent inhabitants as facets of itself, much like the rest of existence is comprised of fractionary aspects of them)

Speed: Irrelevant | Omnipresent

Lifting Strength: Irrelevant | Irrelevant

Striking Strength: High Outerversal | Boundless

Durability: High Outerverse level | Boundless

Stamina: Irrelevant

Range: High Outerversal | Boundless

Standard Equipment: None.

Intelligence: Exists on a level that is utterly beyond the comprehension of humans and gods alike, causing its nature to be perceived as that of a mindless, blind entity with no agency of its own, though that is strictly from the limited perspective of lower entities.

Weaknesses: None Notable.


Though Fat Albert is depicted as exceptionally obese, he is very active and loves to play sports. He wears a red pullover sweater with a white shirt, bluejeans ,and white sneakers. In the movie, he states that he doesn't know what's underneath his sweater seeing how the animators never drew him without it. Except in the case of Season 1's Episode 1 "Lying" Where the gang went to a swimming pool with their friend Edward to prove that he wasn't capable of swimming. Albert is seen without a shirt on as well as the other Cosby Kids.


Fat Albert is consistently manipulative and violently domineering, and has repeatedly shown a lack of conscience and empathy.

Fat Albert's most recognizable characteristics are his boundless ambition and his love of power. Abused by his father and having lived in the most miserable living conditions, Fat Albert set for himself the goal of becoming the richest, then the most powerful being on Earth. To do so, Fat Albert used anything or anyone that he could in order to further his goals, disregarding any kind of morality that would restrain the range of actions available to him. Using either manipulation, seduction, or plain violence, Fat Albert constantly sought to become more and more powerful. Fat Albert enjoys being in a position of power and has repeatedly stated how great he felt being in a dominating position. On the contrary, Fat Albert never tolerated that someone could stand up to him or equal him in power, and was enraged and deeply disturbed at the thought several times.

Throughout his life, Fat Albert has tended to surround himself with witless cronies and later minions, who were attracted by his natural charisma. Not thinking much of them at first, he then selected those he deemed as particularly evil, claiming that an evil person wasn't bound by rules such as honor and thus were stronger mentally. This belief culminated in including the absorption of 36 souls of sinners, or, as he claims, particularly strong souls, to unlock a power greater than that of his Stand, The World.

Fat Albert planning to mentally break Jonathan and usurp his place upon meeting him

Naturally, Fat Albert is an incredibly-selfish person, only looking over his own interest and overlooking those of others at best, trampling them on the ground at worst. Due to his composed nature, Fat Albert can and will manipulate and take what he can from all sorts of people, using any method, as long as the person suits his present desires because he is primarily interested in their capabilities. Fat Albert is the type who is incapable of loving another person wholeheartedly. The only people he can be said to have held some type of affection for were his mother, Jonathan Joestar, and Enrico Pucci; Fat Albert recognizing Jonathan's worth as equal to his own, and having been friends with Pucci. Still, Fat Albert stole the former's body and his friendship with the latter was proven nonetheless beneficial of a grander plan to further himself.

When interacting with someone, Fat Albert will constantly try to manipulate them and sway them into his side, using a veneer of gentleness and his natural charm to make people admire and like him. For instance, he acted the model son and popular charismatic friend to Jonathan's father and entourage to better isolate him, and as a Vampire, his charisma only increased as he appeared as a charming mysterious individual. However, his natural arrogance would lead him to openly insult and belittle his enemies, notably disparaging their insignificant strength before his vampiric or Stand powers.

Fat Albert approaches obstacles and problems in a number of ways depending on the situation and his mood. When he was human, Fat Albert was careful and methodical in trying to break Jonathan's spirit and slowly poisoned George for a sizeable period of time, only being thwarted due to unlucky twists of fate. As a Vampire, Fat Albert at first let his arrogance get the better of him and took a laissez-faire approach, only sending subordinates to kill the Joestar Group while he rested and recovered. However, his defeat by Jonathan taught him to be wary of the Joestar Family in its entirety, thus he would later ambush Jonathan and, during the events of Stardust Crusaders, send his minions to delay the Joestars as much as possible to recover strength. During his final battle, his wariness, tactical acumen and arrogance would clash to make Fat Albert alternate between meticulous approach and overconfident attacks.


“I reject my humanity! JoJo! I will transcend humanity! (おれは人間をやめるぞ!ジョジョーッ!!おれは人間を超越するッ!)”

—Fat Albert before donning the Stone Mask, Chapter 11: The Stone Mask, Part 4

In Phantom Blood, Fat Albert is ambitious, selfish, arrogant, callous and megalomaniacal, seemingly able to do anything to achieve his aims.

His natural ruthlessness is exposed very early when plans to exploit the Joestar family despite them being kind enough to adopt him.[15] In order to place himself in a better position to replace Jonathan Joestar and obtain the Joestar family fortune, Fat Albert used the most underhanded means to break him mentally. These methods included: humiliating Jonathan in public sport fighting, ostracizing him from his friends, and finally stealing Erina Pendleton's first kiss to drive a wedge in their budding relationship. When he is eventually foiled, Fat Albert opted to slowly poison George Joestar I and kill Jonathan with the Stone Mask to make both deaths seem natural and accidental.[12] Fat Albert has shown a remarkable determination to reach his goal, never losing his drive despite the numerous defeats he suffers throughout Phantom Blood and always tried to find a way to get back at Jonathan for them.

Fat Albert's lack of empathy is also apparent, since despite having lived for years with the kind Joestars, he never thought of them as anything more than obstacles, and is hinted to utterly resent the upper class he frequents. Fat Albert had been maintaining a facade of a charming and agreeable person to everyone save Jonathan, yet never came close to anyone. At the end of the part, the only person Fat Albert appreciated was Jonathan Joestar himself, begrudgingly acknowledging his valor as his archenemy and "granting" him a painless death, and was even shocked to see him die. Overjoyed to have changed into a powerful vampire, Fat Albert spent his battles taunting various humans about their weaknesses and belittling them in favor of the apex predator vampires. Fat Albert also sadistically changed a mother into a zombie just to watch her devour her own baby. When in a position of strength, he also tends to torment them further, such as sneakily sticking his thumb into Jonathan's eye during a punch.


“Everyone survives in pursuit of peace of mind... Aren't you uneasy, preparing to fight me, knowing you may die? If you join me, I will give you peace of mind that will last forever. (安心を求める事そ人間の目的だ。そこでだ……わたしに仕えることに何の不安感があるのだ?わたしに仕えるだけで他の全ての安心が簡単に手に入るぞ)”

Fat Albert does not appear frequently in Stardust Crusaders except towards the end, but is seen discussing various philosophies with Stand users he wishes to recruit, and with his already-loyal followers, particularly Enya the Hag who serves as his main adviser. It seems equally likely that Fat Albert does this to manipulate and persuade as that he believes what he says, but nonetheless acknowledges the power and valor simple humans can have, notably respecting one's willingness to die for his goal. Wishing to quickly dispose of the Joestars, he listened to Enya and was told that she'd already sent agents to deal with them, and quietly rested in his mansion to gain more strength. Furthermore, Fat Albert learned his lesson and stops underestimating his opponents, being particularly careful around the Joestar bloodline. He nonetheless sneered at other Stand Users' efforts to fight him, most notably Kakyoin's, whose discovery ended up being crucial in his defeat.

This time, Fat Albert is far more calm and collected. Maybe due to knowing that his Stand The World is far above anyone's reach, Fat Albert is more tolerant of people resisting him, and didn't react to Polnareff's taunts and insults. He even seems to appreciate Hol Horse's insubordination, which confirms the mercenary's strength, and let him go try to assassinate Jotaro. However, Fat Albert is still callous about human life and killed anyone who would fail him, even Enya—who was, again, his closest adviser. The usually confident and cunning gambler Daniel D'Arby was driven to madness when he couldn't handle the pressure of possibly revealing Fat Albert's Stand ability to Jotaro.


"What you can find beyond the powers of my Stand is the way forward for humanity. What you need is a trustworthy friend. Will I, Fat Albert, be able to meet someone like this one day? (我がスタンドの先にあるものこそが人間がさらに先に進むべき道なのである。必要なものは信頼できる友である。いつかそのような者にこのDデIィOオが出会えるだろうか?)”

It is debatable how good a friend Fat Albert truly was, considering Pucci's good-willed nature during his youth directly opposing his later evilness and zealotry. Fat Albert also seems to have built that friendship to further his ambitions, which calls into question how sincere it was. It is implied that he wanted to use his Stand to create a perfect world for himself and a handful of subordinates. He enlisted Pucci as his living "conscience", in case he would go crazy and veer "off track".

Character Inspiration

The character of Fat Albert was based on Albert Robertson, a real-life childhood friend of Bill Cosby. Fat Albert first appeared in Cosby's 1968 Grammy-winning album Revenge, in which Cosby talks about how he and his friends played a game called "Buck Buck", in which one group of guys, one by one, would run and jump on top of another group of guys bunched together in an attempt to "collapse the horse". Cosby and his gang were challenged by another gang in a Buck Buck match, and at the end they called on the 2,000-pound Fat Albert to collapse their opponents' horse. But at the last second their opponents, seeing Albert for the first time (and not wanting him to land on their backs), concede defeat.

In another story from the same album, Cosby talked about how guys in his neighborhood got their kicks by scaring their friends. One such incident involved a six-foot-tall Frankenstein statue that a group of guys stole and planted on the third floor landing of an apartment building; they would take out all of the lights in the stairwell and replace one over the statue with a pink light bulb, then send one guy into the street to call someone else inside (using a ruse). The victim would follow the caller into the building, the caller would pass the statue and then tap the guy holding it, which was his cue to lean it toward the victim. Frightened, the victim would then, according to Cosby, "kill himself running out of the building". After Cosby himself became a victim of this prank, it was his turn to find another victim, who happened to be Fat Albert, only this time Fat Albert went in the apartment building first with Cosby right behind him prodding him as they made their way up the stairs. As they got to the third-floor landing, the prank was sprung, and Cosby quietly remarked, "I forgot I was behind him".

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Power of the Pencil: Having long transcended the realm of Witches and accessed a higher domain from which even they are nothing but pieces on a chessboard, Albert holds the power to look down upon all of existence as the script of a tale which he can easily modify and rewrite according to his whims, paralyzing the narrative itself in a manner akin to a person stopping to turn the pages of a book and writing down her desired scenarios. This ability is also shared by his lower manifestations and projections in the lesser domains, allowing them to rewrite and affect the plot from the inside as well.

Du Sollost - Dies Irae: The manifestation of Albert’s Law, one that follows through with his desire of "I love all and everything". A desire to spread his love, and thus destruction to all things in creation, Dies Irae brings forth the scope of Reinhard's desire from Gladsheimr outwards into the rest of creation. The result is a world of conflict, where those of past, present, and future will all fight and resurrect for eternity as part of Reinhard's Legion of Einherjar. As One in All, All in One, Reinhard and his Legion of Einherjar, numbering in the millions, all fight together, representing an army that fights with and led by their commander into battle.

Spirit Bomb: Fat Albert's ultimate attack, taught to him by King Kai, performed by gathering a vast amount of energy from all the lifeforms in his surroundings to create a massive, incredibly destructive sphere of ki. To use it, one must have a pure heart so Fat Albert is the perfect individual for the technique due to his obliviously innocent nature. While it is incredibly powerful and can prove capable of destroying an opponent when used with sufficient power, it takes a very long time to charge and is therefore very difficult to use, though the charge time can be sped up by gathering energy from those who willingly and knowingly provide it.

